Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday Sept 8, 2011 - WELCOME.

Welcome to Ms. Gesnerville!
This website is used for Class 8-8 Math.

Today, Sept 8th, we began a review of basic calculations (addition, subtraction and multiplication).

We discussed problem solving strategies:
1) Make sure you understand the problem
2) Solve the easiest part of a problem first
3) Use real world objects or your imagination of a real-life situation
4) Make a chart.
5) Draw a picture.

As a group we took a look at a problem involving LOCKERS.  In this problem there are 70 lockers in a hallway.

Today we looked at a problem involving lockers. The scenario was:

1) Ben opens all 70 lockers.
2) Maple comes along and closes every second locker.
3) Con arrives and changes the position of every third locker (If the locker is open, he closes it, if closed, he opened it.)
4) Maeghan changes the position of every fourth locker.
5) Dan changes every 5th...
6) Robi-Ann changes the 6th etc. etc. etc.


Finish every other problem on the front side of the "Yellow Book Pretest" sheet.