Monday, December 8, 2014

Perimeter shoot & Area Shoot - Quick Review Games

Practice Perimeter with Perimeter Shape Shoot Game
Practice Area with Area Shape Shoot (Easy)

8-1s What do we measure??

What do we measure?
-we measure VOLUME (ingredients, liquids, for density)
-we measure LENGTH (doors, people)
-we measure TEMPERATURE (Celcius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin)
-we measure MASS (kg)
-we measure PERIMETER (distance around an object)
-we measure AREA (flat surface, patio, floor)
-we measure TIME (sec, min, hr, days, weeks, years)

Monday, December 1, 2014

75 Art

Explore the Online Toolkit Online Toolkit. Take notes in English in the back of your sketchbook.
If you finish continue with A Brush with Wildlife.  Then explore the collections of the McMichael Collection.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Solving word problems involving decimals

1. Spend 20 minutes working on "Word Problem Assignment"

2. Log on to the computer and do the following online lesson:
Solving Problems Using Decimals

3. Show Ms. Banman that you are finished. You can play any game on Ms. Gesnerville.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Online Vocabulary Scavenger Hunt

When solving word problems it can be helpful to know some "buzzwords" that are often involved with a particular operation.
Remember that sometimes you may need to use the opposite operation to solve problems.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Rounding using number lines.

Today we continued talking about rounding using these tools:
LearnAlberta Rounding Decimals

Zoomable Number Line

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Rounding Decimals Video & Games

Rounding Decimals
To round decimals you need to:

Look one place right...
Is it 5 or larger? Round up.
4 or smaller? Don't round up

1) Watch the following video
Khan Academy - Rounding to Tenths Video

2) Watch the following video
"Who's that knocking at my door?" "5 or more, raise the score, 4 or less, leave the mess"

3. Games to practice rounding decimals
EASIER - Rounding Decimals to Nearest Tenths Space Ship Game

HARDER - Rounding Decimals Scooter Game

Subtracting Games

Here are some links to practice subtracting decimals.

Don't forget to ask "What would I need to add?"

HARDER Subtracting Decimals Soccer (Click on the soccer ball twice to shoot at the net)

HARDEST Subtracting Decimals Basketball (Use pencil and paper if you need to)

Monday, September 22, 2014

Decimals Lesson and games

Please complete all of #1 before moving on.

1) Naming decimals lesson. Using headphones watch and do the questions at:  LearnAlberta Decimals

2) Practice Ordering Decimals Ballon Pop Smallest value to largest value

3) Practice Comparing Decimals Fruit Splat (> Greater than; < Lesser than or = Equal)

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Patterns in the Perfect Squares

What patterns exist in the perfect squares???

1  4  9 16  25  36  49  64  81  100  121  144  169

Multiple Intelligences and Squares Numbers

Today students had a choice of activities to explore square numbers.

These choices are based on Multiple Intelligences - The idea that people can be smart and can learn in different ways. Everybody does have some of each... but many people have 2 or 3 areas that are stronger than others.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Welcome to Ms Gesnerville!

Hello 8-1 and welcome to Ms. Gesnerville!

This is where I post activities, homework, work samples and links!  Please feel free to explore!

This week we have been:
- getting to know each other
- reviewing our basic arithmetic
- learning KenKen!

Here's a very cheesy video on how to solve KenKen
Solving a 3x3
Solving a 4x4

Want to try puzzles online?

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Une artiste qui m'est speciale

Aujourd'hui nous discutons une peinture que j'ai acheté en 2010 à M'cheeging, à l'Isle du Manitoulin

Ojibway Cultural Foundation

Art at Tom Davies Square

Son prof était Stan Panamick

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Why do We Measure? by 6XF

We measure:
- how much we need of something
- to build
- how much to buy
- make things of a specific size, shape or weight
- for school work

If we didn't
- clothes would not fit
- houses would look strange and might collapse
- medications wouldn't work properly

Metric Conversion Rap

Basics of the Metric System

King Henry Drinks Ucky dark chocolate milk

Bill Nye the Science Guy

Monday, January 13, 2014

Corrigé pour les dictées 2 & 3

1. J’aime les boissons gazeuses.
2. Il y a une assiette sur le comptoir.
3. Est-ce qu’il y a un bon casse-croûte au centre commercial Eglinton Square?
4. Fais ton choix. Il faut commander maintenant.
5. Est-ce que tu veux goûter à mes ailes de poulet?
6. C’est incroyable! Je suis la gagnante!
7. Nous voulons commander une crème glacée au beurre d’arachides.

8. Le citron n’est pas un légume.

1.            Je veux sortir demain.
2.            Quel est le prix du repas économique?
3.            Est-ce que votre rouleau de printemps est halal?
4.            Les nouilles sont un mets nutritif.
5.            Le slogan du restaurant est  « le roi de la pizza ».
6.            Mon plat préféré est le ragoût épicé.
7.            Combien coûte une portion de frites?
8.            L’eau est une boisson très rafraîchissante.
9.            Serveuse! Serveuse! Il y une mouche dans ma soupe!
10.          Je veux commander du poulet avec de la poutine et un petit pain. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Le partitif

Les articles partitfs s'emploient devant les noms désignant des choses qu'on ne peut pas compter

Au singulier : du, de la, de l'

Au pluriel : des

ex. Mlle Gesner aime manger de la salade avec du vinaigre et des fraises.

Attention - la forme négative on utilise seulement 
de ou d'

ex: Nous n'avons pas de billets d'autobus, et nous n'avons pas d'argent!

1. Essaye cet exercise!
2.  Ecris un paragraphe au sujet de la nourriture qui utilise chaque article partitif au moins une fois!

Groupes d'arts dramatiques

Nous avons crée des groupes pour écrire et interpreter une petite scène
Groupe A - Mass, Jef & Dea
Groupe B - Brid, Dan, Rid
Groupe C - Vith, Rosh, Arko, Han
Groupe D - Bry, Fai, Raf
Groupe E - Sam, Avi, Ara
Groupe F - Chr, Haz, Bri

Monday, January 6, 2014

le 6 janvier à J.A.L.

1.  Try this online quiz - Correct answers will show asterisks

2.  Finish Les Artistes Google Docs

3. Add one link to "Les Aliments" an effective food advertisement (webiste, photo or video) in French or English

4.  Practice Decimals

4.  Temps libre!! (20 min)