Friday, April 19, 2013

Videos on tessellations

There are hundreds of videos on YouTube about how to do tessellations.  Explore online on your own this weekend or watch one of these two videos

A step-by-step version

A challenging tessellation with rotational symmetry:

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Our Geometry mini-fieldtrip

Today we checked out Tessellations Art created by Winona students of past.  Here are some of the favourites.  We'll be starting this project on Friday!

Also check out > Picture Gallery > Symmetry: Most of MC Escher's Symmetry Drawings 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Geometry Unit Overview & Explorations


For the first 15 minutes explore:

Working with Transformations (House game) 

HW - Find a definition and a diagram or picture for the following 7 geometry vocabulary words.  Use Math Makes Sense, Math is Fun illustrated Dictionary, or any other online resource. Good copy due Friday April 12.
- translation
- reflection
- rotation
- dilation
- congruent shapes
- similar shapes
- tessellation

If you finish, explore: 
Tessellations (Skateboard Design Lesson)

Printable nets (simple)

More printable nets (complex)

Angles in Triangles Interactive
How do the angles of a triangle change as you move the points?  What remains the same?