Sunday, October 25, 2009

List 5 Words

Vocabulary / Spelling List #5
(Definitions due Day 2 – Friday Oct 30th, Quiz Day 3 - Mon Nov 2nd)

For each word list provide
a) the part of speech (ex. noun, verb)
b) a definition that you understand
c) a sentence

1. grieve – (verb) - to feel grief or great sorrow, often after a death
Even after four weeks Caleb was still grieving the end of his relationship with Michelle.

2. banshee
3. monstrous
4. mysterious
5. shadowy
6. bizarre
7. crypt
8. phantom
9. cemetery (plural is cemeteries)
10. superstition
Need a challenge?? – Provide the Word Origin – Use more than one word in a sentence.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Day 4 - Quiz followed by Book Talk Prep in the Computer Lab


Remember, the point of the Book Talk is:
1. to encourage other people to read the book you chose.
2. give you a chance to do an enthusiastic, dynamic, creative, interesting, well-organized oral presentation

The Book Talk needs to include:

1) an intriguing, relevant, paragraph to read to the class

2) an explanation of why you loved the book

3) a comment on the reading level (easy or hard), give evidence (examples)

4) a summary (that doesn’t give away the ending) – This is not a retelling of all the action in order – It is an overview of the main features of the book (setting, characters, main action)

5) The Title, Author and Genre of the book

NOTE: THAT THESE CAN BE IN ANY ORDER THAT MAKES SENSE!! (you can start with the paragraph, end with the paragraph, tell why you loved it first or last… just make sure that your presentation is not confusing and that the class can understand your explanations)

Be sure to:
1) Read my comments. I have suggested whether it needs to be shorter or longer, and any problems in your written text. Please ask if you don’t understand a comment.
Note: I have not marked your writing for mechanics (spelling, punctuation, capitalization, use of paragraphs etc.)

2) Think about how you will start your presentation (Will you start with a question? Start with your paragraph? Start with your opinion of the book?)

3) Decide whether you will try to MEMORIZE it, or simply write the main points and TALK TO THE CLASS.

4) Use cue cards (a maximum of 5). Do not put all of your text on your cue cards. They are meant as reminders of the main points you want to talk about.

5) Practice, practice, practice. Be sure to also practice reading your paragraph so that you read it SLOWLY and CLEARLY.

Monday (Day 5)
Guinea pigs – First four presentations. We’ll briefly discuss what we liked about these presentations and a few more hints.
Also List 5 Spelling Pretest words handed out, time to start sentences & Definitions

Tuesday (Day 6)
Feedback Day Bring your revised presentation and your cue cards for a chance to practice your presentation with a small audience. Students who can’t work independently and maturely will do Reading Comprehension worksheets.

Thursday (Day 1)
Presentations in class
Presentations at lunch (Bring your lunch if you want to present then)

Friday (Day 2)
Presentations in class finish (Hopefully!)

Looking for Bonus Marks in Writing? - See new post below (scroll down)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday Oct 14th - to the library we go!

Today students need to:
1) Complete CASI assessment

2) Complete Multiple Intelligences Reflection if incomplete (What do you think of Howard Gardner's Model of Intelligence? What Intelligences are your best developed? Your least? Provide examples/proof) Lenght 1 page handwritten or 150-200 words.

3) Work on Book Talk or List 4 Vocabulary and Spelling

Sunday, October 11, 2009

List 4

Vocabulary / Spelling List #4.
(Definitions & Sentences due Day 2 – Wed Oct 21st, Quiz Day 3 - Thurs Oct 22nd)

1. Correct any errors to your pretest. Write the word shape and spell the word with the incorrect part exaggerated.

2. For each word list provide
a) the part of speech (ex. noun, verb)
b) a definition that you understand
c) a sentence
(the first three are completed for you)

1. tyrant – (noun) Defn - a person who exercises power in a cruel way
The tyrant ruled the country with an iron fist.
2. venerable – (adjective) – Defn worthy of profound respect, often because of age or wisdom
People came from far and wide to hear the venerable woman speak.
3. emphasize – (verb) - to stress, single out as important
Ms. Gesner wanted to emphasize how to complete the vocabulary homework properly.

4.neutral 5. gorgeous 6. beverage 7. forfeit 8. bolster 9. morbid 10. denizen, 11. metaphor,
12. simile 13. literal 14. figurative 15. specimen 16. cylinder 17. mystify 18. typify
19. orderly 20.onomatopoeia

Need a challenge?? – Provide the Word Origin – Use more than one word in a sentence

Oct 5th - 9th. The week that wasn't.

No posts this week as three of periods were used for the CASI Reading Assessment, and the fourth for a Guidance presentation.

In response to a student question, I still have no idea what CASI stands for. My online search yielded the following list – the last being my favourite.

Center for Aerospace Information
Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq (UK)
Council on Accreditation and School Improvement
Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute
Canadian Association of Snowboard Instructors
Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument
Chili Appreciation Society International, Inc.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

BONUS ASSIGNMENT - Enter an essay writing competition to earn up to 3% bonus for your Term 1 Writing Mark

Interested in people who make a difference?
Love to write?
Need bonus points in Writing?
Want to win one of 2 $3000 cash prizes?
- Enter A&E's "Lives that Make a Difference" Essay Writing Competition

To enter the contest, you need to research the person you think made the greatest impact on Canadian society in 2009. After researching you need to compose an original essay in 300 words or less.

The contest deadline is December 15, 2009; but you need to finish the essay by Nov 15th to allow time for editing and submission.

For complete A&E Essay Contest details and official contest rules,
click here:

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Here's a Scan of the Book Talk Overview

Your WRITTEN work is due Oct 9th (for 2% bonus), or Oct 16th.

The written part should be in paragraph form. My suggestion:
Paragraph #1 - Introduce the TITLE, AUTHOR, GENRE of the book enthusiastically
Paragraph #2 & 3 - Provide a SUMMARY of the book. Be sure to include information about the setting (Time & Place), Main Characters, Plot (Action). You can describe how it ends (but *do not* say how it ends when you present to the class).
Paragraph #4 (Optional, but recommended) Describe themes explored in the book.
Paragraph #5 Why did you like the book? Briefly describe the paragraph will you be sharing with the class. (The paragraph I will be sharing is from the beginning of the book when the main character Lauren finally arrives on Planet Wizona. I've chosen this paragraph to share because...)

Hint: Try including a few quotes from your book in your paragraphs. Remember to use quotation marks and put the page number in brackets at the end of the sentence.