Monday, September 22, 2014

Decimals Lesson and games

Please complete all of #1 before moving on.

1) Naming decimals lesson. Using headphones watch and do the questions at:  LearnAlberta Decimals

2) Practice Ordering Decimals Ballon Pop Smallest value to largest value

3) Practice Comparing Decimals Fruit Splat (> Greater than; < Lesser than or = Equal)

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Patterns in the Perfect Squares

What patterns exist in the perfect squares???

1  4  9 16  25  36  49  64  81  100  121  144  169

Multiple Intelligences and Squares Numbers

Today students had a choice of activities to explore square numbers.

These choices are based on Multiple Intelligences - The idea that people can be smart and can learn in different ways. Everybody does have some of each... but many people have 2 or 3 areas that are stronger than others.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Welcome to Ms Gesnerville!

Hello 8-1 and welcome to Ms. Gesnerville!

This is where I post activities, homework, work samples and links!  Please feel free to explore!

This week we have been:
- getting to know each other
- reviewing our basic arithmetic
- learning KenKen!

Here's a very cheesy video on how to solve KenKen
Solving a 3x3
Solving a 4x4

Want to try puzzles online?