Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Welcome Back Class 8-8!

A new year has begun!

Ms. Gesner was thrilled to see that 26 of her favourite students ended up in 8-8.

Today's class involved doing some warm-up calcul8ing - a review of basic addition and multiplication.

Students discussed how they add and discovered that they do it in different ways.

1) Some students are "memorizers" who have basic facts memorized.

2) Others are "topper-uppers" who do addition by figuring out how to make groups of ten. (They 'top-up' the first number to get ten, and see what's left over - 8+5 is 8 +2+3 = 10+3 = 13)

3) Others are "finger counters" - who are always wiggling their fingers as they calculate

4) Others are "visualizers" - who make pictures in their head.

So long as your method is ACCURATE and FAST, there's no need to change. However, in trying other methods you may find one that is faster. Experiment!

As members of class 8-8 didn't have agendas, Ms. Gesner made the radical decision not to assign homework. Apologies to all students who were disappointed.