Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wed Sept 8th

Today we discussed ways to solve problems that don't involve numbers - in our case a problem involving a farmer wanting to transport a wolf, goat and vegetables across a river. There are many versions of this famous puzzle. An online version can be found at:

Class 8-8 decided that when solving a problem - DRAWING A DIAGRAM often helps. In this case, drawing arrows seemed to be a common trend.

Students received a brand spanking new orange duotang, and boldly attempted to do some more arithmetic - today's challenge - remembering long division.

For tomorrow: "Mental Math" worksheet.
For Monday Sept 13th: Finish "Yellow Book" Pretest worksheet.

P.S. A sweet new year to those celebrating Rosh Hashanah, and a joyful Eid to those celebrating the end of Ramadan.