Monday, January 25, 2010

Wed Jan 27th - You should be working on...

1) Editing AWAKE DREAM for Content & Mechanics.
Content - Does my writing get straight to the point and stay focused? (no jumping around)
Mechanics -
a) Choose a consistent verb tense (present or past)
I walk, I look, I see
I walked, I looked, I saw
b) Check for RUN-ON SENTENCES (too many verbs) & SENTENCE FRAGMENTS (no verb)
c) Check punctuation, especially in dialog. Rules for quotation marks etc.:

2) Drafting quality poetry on the subject of FEAR - You will eventually need at least 4 different poems in 3 or more formats. **Minimum 2 poems due Friday**
Sol poetry magazine gives you guidelines for 45 possible formats including Haiku, Diamante, Found, Free Verse, Wave, Limerick and Cinquain at:

You can also try TWITTER POETRY - Free verse poetry using no more than 140 characters (use the Word Count function in the Tools menu of Microsoft Word)

TWIHAIKU - Same as above, but 5 syllables / 7 syllables / 5 syllables

3) Spelling List 8 Sentences & Definitions. (Due next Wednesday, Feb 3rd)

4) Begin working on a suspenseful short story.

DON'T KNOW WHERE TO START?? WORDS THAT YOU SAID EVOKE FEAR: Snakes, Clowns, Light at the end of the tunnel, Spiders, Monsters, Loneliness, Being buried alive, Dogs, Axe-Murderers, Blood, Spirits/Poltergeists, Pigs, Insects, Ventriloquist Dummies, Toe Jam and more...