Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Feb 1, 2011

HW - Make sure that your Letter to Ms. Vohra meets all of these criteria.

Based on the attendance at past events, Jennifer and Steve's committee believe that between 20 and 25% of the 80 people invited will not attend. As secretary of the Fundraising Committee, write a report tot the faculty advisor, Ms. Vohra, recommending on of the three locations.

Suppot your recommendation by including the following elements in your report:
* the approximate number of guests who are expected to attend.
* the algebraic expressions that give the costs at each location for n guests
* the cost at each location for the estimated number of guests
* graphs and/or tables to show the range in the number of guests for which your recommendation offers the lowest cost.
* possible reasons why the location offering the lowest cost might not be the best choice.