Ms. Gesner is off to see plasticized human bodies at the Science Centre. You will have today's period to finish the editing you started on Tuesday.
Here is the text of the outline handed out in class.
Editing your Writing
(assignment for Computer Period and Day 4, Period 1)
From your composition notebook you will asked to choose TWO pieces of writing to edit. This is not just typing it up – It means ADDING ideas, REORGANIZING your text, , IMPROVING your word choice, and correcting CONVENTIONS (spelling, punctuation, paragraphs etc.).
This is meant to be “Published Writing”
Choose one of 1,2, or 3 and either 4 or 5. Substitutions may be made if you talked to me after class.
1) My Name – A short, relatively informal piece of writing to inform your reader about your name
(What is your name? Does it have any particular meaning? Who named you? Do you like your name? Do you have nicknames? etc.) 75-200 words
2) If I Were A…. Expand to create a playful poem including at least 6 descriptive If I were’s) 75-200 words
3) Rememberance Day…. A creative reaction in any form linked to the writing you did after the Assembly 75-200 words
AND either
4) Multiple Intelligences – A reaction to the article and class discussion
(What do you think of Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences?, What do you think are your best-developed Intelligences? Your least-developed GIVE PROOF/ EXAMPLES) approximately 150-250 words
5) Book Talk Written – An overview of the novel you read
(Include in any order: Introduction, Summary of the book, Themes, Why I liked it, Reading Level – Use paragraphs to make it a cohesive piece of writing) approximately 180-250 words
I will paying attention to:
** Content – Have you included enough information? Are you ideas original?
** Organization – Have you organized your ideas? Does you text have a beginning, middle and an end? Have you used paragraphs to group information?
** Word Choice – Have you avoided over-using words like good, nice, and cool? Have you used interesting and creative word choices?
** Mechanics – Have you followed conventions regarding Capitalization?
Have you followed conventions regarding Punctuation?
Have you checked your Spelling? (watch for homophones!)
To Ms. Gesner in class ASAP
(assignment for Computer Period and Day 4, Period 1)
From your composition notebook you will asked to choose TWO pieces of writing to edit. This is not just typing it up – It means ADDING ideas, REORGANIZING your text, , IMPROVING your word choice, and correcting CONVENTIONS (spelling, punctuation, paragraphs etc.).
This is meant to be “Published Writing”
Choose one of 1,2, or 3 and either 4 or 5. Substitutions may be made if you talked to me after class.
1) My Name – A short, relatively informal piece of writing to inform your reader about your name
(What is your name? Does it have any particular meaning? Who named you? Do you like your name? Do you have nicknames? etc.) 75-200 words
2) If I Were A…. Expand to create a playful poem including at least 6 descriptive If I were’s) 75-200 words
3) Rememberance Day…. A creative reaction in any form linked to the writing you did after the Assembly 75-200 words
AND either
4) Multiple Intelligences – A reaction to the article and class discussion
(What do you think of Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences?, What do you think are your best-developed Intelligences? Your least-developed GIVE PROOF/ EXAMPLES) approximately 150-250 words
5) Book Talk Written – An overview of the novel you read
(Include in any order: Introduction, Summary of the book, Themes, Why I liked it, Reading Level – Use paragraphs to make it a cohesive piece of writing) approximately 180-250 words
I will paying attention to:
** Content – Have you included enough information? Are you ideas original?
** Organization – Have you organized your ideas? Does you text have a beginning, middle and an end? Have you used paragraphs to group information?
** Word Choice – Have you avoided over-using words like good, nice, and cool? Have you used interesting and creative word choices?
** Mechanics – Have you followed conventions regarding Capitalization?
Have you followed conventions regarding Punctuation?
Have you checked your Spelling? (watch for homophones!)
To Ms. Gesner in class ASAP
If sick by email to Ms. Gesner's TEL account: emily.gesner@tel.tdsb.on.ca