English Novel Presentation #2
Your second novel will be evaluated in 3 ways:
1) Initial Write-up – Due Monday Nov 30th
2) Writing for Presentation – Due Mon Dec 7th
3) Creative Presentation – Due Thurs Dec 14th
Initial Write-up –
In paragraph form respond to the following questions: What made you chose the book you have chosen? (be specific) Are you enjoying the book? (Why?) To whom would you recommend the book? What creative presentation are you planning to do? Give a quick description of how you will produce your creation. Submit as a good copy (~5 paragraphs / 1 page).
Writing for Presentation (rough draft)
Each creative presentation involves doing some writing (a monologue, scene description etc.). This rough draft will be returned to you. The good copy is due the day of your presentation. (1 - 2 pages)
Creative Presentation
Your creation will be presented to the class. You will be evaluated by me, and by your peers.
PUPPETS: Choose an important scene in your novel. Write a 2-3 minute dialogue between the characters. Make puppets to represent the characters involved. Act out the scene using the puppets.
DIORAMA: Write a description of a key scene in the novel. Create a diorama to represent the scene and describe it to the class.
DRESS UP: Write a monologue from the point of view of one of the characters. Perform the monologue dressed as the character.
MOBILE: Create a mobile to illustrate the setting, plot, themes and characters of your book. Illustrate the characters on one side, with a brief description on the other side.
COMIC BOOK: Create a comic book based on your novel. You can draw it by hand or by computer. Your Comic Book should include some narration as well as dialog.
BOOK JACKET: Write a biography of the author of your book as well as a new summary for the back cover. Create a completely new book jacket for your book (with a front, back cover and inside cover).
MOVIE – BOOK COMPARISON: Read a book that has been made into a movie (It must have been a book first). Watch the movie and write a comparison of the book and the movie. Be sure to include what changes were made to the characters, and plot. Present this comparison to the class.
SCULPTURE: Write a full description of the main character. Use quotes from the book to illustrate the about the main character’s personality and appearance. (include at least 5 quotes). Create a sculpture of the character.
SKETCHES: Write a description of two key scenes in the book. Create 2 quality sketches, paintings or other Visual Art pieces to represent each scene.
PLAN A PARTY: Create an invitation from one of the characters in your book to a party (i.e. a person in your book is hosting the party). Come up with a way to host this party with the class. (Talk to Ms. Gesner about this one)
LIFE-SIZE MODEL: Write a monologue from the point of view of one of the characters. Perform the monologue from behind a life-sized cardboard cut-out of the character.
MOVIE PITCH: Write a letter to an imaginary movie producer outlining why your book should be made into a movie. Pretend the class is a group of film producers. Create a Powerpoint presentation to present your pitch to the class (Outline the movie, possible starts, target audience etc.)
Monday, November 30, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
BBM Nielsen Canada

In the past week we've been discussing Ms. Gesner's experience carrying a media-monitoring device for BBM Nielsen Canada.
Some students were asking how to join the panel. Check out
then talk to your family.
NOTE: MS GESNER in no way ENDORSES BBM Nielsen... She just thinks it's an interesting way to get students talking about Media.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
For tomorrow (Thursday Nov 19th)
Be sure to bring:
1) Novel #2 (The novel you will use for your second Novel Presentation)
2) 2 Pieces of Published Writing (Overdue)
If you missed the TERM 1 Spelling and Vocabulary test you will write it TOMORROW in class.
1) Novel #2 (The novel you will use for your second Novel Presentation)
2) 2 Pieces of Published Writing (Overdue)
If you missed the TERM 1 Spelling and Vocabulary test you will write it TOMORROW in class.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Vocab and Spelling postponed to Monday; Two edited pieces of Writing due at the end of Today's Class

Ms. Gesner is off to see plasticized human bodies at the Science Centre. You will have today's period to finish the editing you started on Tuesday.
Here is the text of the outline handed out in class.
Editing your Writing
(assignment for Computer Period and Day 4, Period 1)
From your composition notebook you will asked to choose TWO pieces of writing to edit. This is not just typing it up – It means ADDING ideas, REORGANIZING your text, , IMPROVING your word choice, and correcting CONVENTIONS (spelling, punctuation, paragraphs etc.).
This is meant to be “Published Writing”
Choose one of 1,2, or 3 and either 4 or 5. Substitutions may be made if you talked to me after class.
1) My Name – A short, relatively informal piece of writing to inform your reader about your name
(What is your name? Does it have any particular meaning? Who named you? Do you like your name? Do you have nicknames? etc.) 75-200 words
2) If I Were A…. Expand to create a playful poem including at least 6 descriptive If I were’s) 75-200 words
3) Rememberance Day…. A creative reaction in any form linked to the writing you did after the Assembly 75-200 words
AND either
4) Multiple Intelligences – A reaction to the article and class discussion
(What do you think of Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences?, What do you think are your best-developed Intelligences? Your least-developed GIVE PROOF/ EXAMPLES) approximately 150-250 words
5) Book Talk Written – An overview of the novel you read
(Include in any order: Introduction, Summary of the book, Themes, Why I liked it, Reading Level – Use paragraphs to make it a cohesive piece of writing) approximately 180-250 words
I will paying attention to:
** Content – Have you included enough information? Are you ideas original?
** Organization – Have you organized your ideas? Does you text have a beginning, middle and an end? Have you used paragraphs to group information?
** Word Choice – Have you avoided over-using words like good, nice, and cool? Have you used interesting and creative word choices?
** Mechanics – Have you followed conventions regarding Capitalization?
Have you followed conventions regarding Punctuation?
Have you checked your Spelling? (watch for homophones!)
To Ms. Gesner in class ASAP
(assignment for Computer Period and Day 4, Period 1)
From your composition notebook you will asked to choose TWO pieces of writing to edit. This is not just typing it up – It means ADDING ideas, REORGANIZING your text, , IMPROVING your word choice, and correcting CONVENTIONS (spelling, punctuation, paragraphs etc.).
This is meant to be “Published Writing”
Choose one of 1,2, or 3 and either 4 or 5. Substitutions may be made if you talked to me after class.
1) My Name – A short, relatively informal piece of writing to inform your reader about your name
(What is your name? Does it have any particular meaning? Who named you? Do you like your name? Do you have nicknames? etc.) 75-200 words
2) If I Were A…. Expand to create a playful poem including at least 6 descriptive If I were’s) 75-200 words
3) Rememberance Day…. A creative reaction in any form linked to the writing you did after the Assembly 75-200 words
AND either
4) Multiple Intelligences – A reaction to the article and class discussion
(What do you think of Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences?, What do you think are your best-developed Intelligences? Your least-developed GIVE PROOF/ EXAMPLES) approximately 150-250 words
5) Book Talk Written – An overview of the novel you read
(Include in any order: Introduction, Summary of the book, Themes, Why I liked it, Reading Level – Use paragraphs to make it a cohesive piece of writing) approximately 180-250 words
I will paying attention to:
** Content – Have you included enough information? Are you ideas original?
** Organization – Have you organized your ideas? Does you text have a beginning, middle and an end? Have you used paragraphs to group information?
** Word Choice – Have you avoided over-using words like good, nice, and cool? Have you used interesting and creative word choices?
** Mechanics – Have you followed conventions regarding Capitalization?
Have you followed conventions regarding Punctuation?
Have you checked your Spelling? (watch for homophones!)
To Ms. Gesner in class ASAP
If sick by email to Ms. Gesner's TEL account: emily.gesner@tel.tdsb.on.ca
Sunday, November 8, 2009
... in response to those who can't find things on this blog here are the List 1-6 words.
absence, majority, unfortunate, session, discussion, experience, proceed, practical, preliminary, receipt, possess, restaurant, parallel, physician, kerosene, pneumonia
ingenious, jaded, manipulate, pensive, practically, reiterate, renowned, tyrannize, vapid, venerate
yield, conceive, obviously, noticeable, glimpse, evident, deceive, perceive, cursory, obscure, existence, judgment, substantial, enable, relieve, impede, thwart, inaugurate, authenticate, quandary
tyrant, venerable, emphasize, neutral, gorgeous, beverage, forfeit, bolster, morbid, denizen, metaphor, simile, literal, figurative, specimen, cylinder, mystify, typify, orderly, onomatopoeia
banshee, monstrous, mysterious, shadowy, bizarre, crypt, phantom, cemetery, superstition
List 6 - Do definitions and sentences for these 10 words if you want to score above 90%. If you are struggling with Lists 1-5, you may be better off to ignore List 6 and study 1-5 very carefully. It's your choice.
coalesce, fission, altruistic, pedantic, corpulent, lax, immaculate, abhor, hackneyed, placate
ingenious, jaded, manipulate, pensive, practically, reiterate, renowned, tyrannize, vapid, venerate
yield, conceive, obviously, noticeable, glimpse, evident, deceive, perceive, cursory, obscure, existence, judgment, substantial, enable, relieve, impede, thwart, inaugurate, authenticate, quandary
tyrant, venerable, emphasize, neutral, gorgeous, beverage, forfeit, bolster, morbid, denizen, metaphor, simile, literal, figurative, specimen, cylinder, mystify, typify, orderly, onomatopoeia
banshee, monstrous, mysterious, shadowy, bizarre, crypt, phantom, cemetery, superstition
List 6 - Do definitions and sentences for these 10 words if you want to score above 90%. If you are struggling with Lists 1-5, you may be better off to ignore List 6 and study 1-5 very carefully. It's your choice.
coalesce, fission, altruistic, pedantic, corpulent, lax, immaculate, abhor, hackneyed, placate
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Review & Challenge Test - Thurs Nov 12th - Day 4, Period 1
Next Day 3 is Remembrance Day Wednesday November 11th, therefore there will be no test that day. Instead, Thursday November 12th you will have your TERM 1 REVIEW & CHALLENGE TEST.
90% of the test will consist of List 1 – List 5 spelling and definitions (Review).
10% of the test will consist of challenge words. This part is optional, but necessary if you wish to score over 90% (Challenge)
This test will be worth twice the value of a weekly test.
To prepare for this test:
1) Make sure you have all of Lists 1-5 words and their definitions in your Spelling and Vocab notebook. All lists can be found in the blog
2) By Friday (November 6th, 2009) get a parent, guardian, older sibling or friend to test you on the spelling of the five lists (see over).
3) Correct spelling.
4) Read through the list again. Mark words with an asterisk (*) if you don’t remember the definition. Cue cards can be a great way to study vocabulary. Write the word on one side, and the definition and sentence on the other.
5) Decide whether you will focus your energy on working on Lists 1-5, and whether you wish to add List 6 (the Challenge words).
List 6 (do word type, definitions and sentences – worth 10% of test)
• Coalesce
• Fission
• Altruistic
• Pedantic
• Corpulent
• Lax
• Immaculate
• To Abhor
• Hackneyed
• To Placate
90% of the test will consist of List 1 – List 5 spelling and definitions (Review).
10% of the test will consist of challenge words. This part is optional, but necessary if you wish to score over 90% (Challenge)
This test will be worth twice the value of a weekly test.
To prepare for this test:
1) Make sure you have all of Lists 1-5 words and their definitions in your Spelling and Vocab notebook. All lists can be found in the blog
2) By Friday (November 6th, 2009) get a parent, guardian, older sibling or friend to test you on the spelling of the five lists (see over).
3) Correct spelling.
4) Read through the list again. Mark words with an asterisk (*) if you don’t remember the definition. Cue cards can be a great way to study vocabulary. Write the word on one side, and the definition and sentence on the other.
5) Decide whether you will focus your energy on working on Lists 1-5, and whether you wish to add List 6 (the Challenge words).
List 6 (do word type, definitions and sentences – worth 10% of test)
• Coalesce
• Fission
• Altruistic
• Pedantic
• Corpulent
• Lax
• Immaculate
• To Abhor
• Hackneyed
• To Placate
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