I arrived in class today with a recent online article about Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences. It turns out that 8-7 already had some strong opinions on the topic.
So we began our first formal discussion - Does the theory hold water?
Apparently a project involving making a box had left a negative flavour in some students' mouthes. Once those feeling had been vented we started discussing the theory itself.
- Can a person evaluate his/her own intelligence?
- Are the categories used by Gardner too narrow? Too broad?
- Is this a useful tool to "Know Thyself"? (more of this below)
- Increase or decrease self-esteem?
Students have been asked to write a personal response to the article. Due next Day 2 (in the Composition notebook, please & thank you).
... "Know Thyself" goes back to Ancient Greece (γνῶθι σεαυτόν) and is said to have been inscribed above the Temple of Delphi (where Ancient Greeks went to hear prophesies (predictions about the future) uttered by the Oracle (a priestess) - The quote makes an appearance in The Matrix in a Latin translation temet nosce .