BLOG BOO BOO - I just noticed that I forget to correct one of my errors in the sample photo above. First person to tell me they found the error (and what the error is) will get a sweet treat!
Ms. Gesner has corrected the year's first spelling test. On the whole they were very well done! The four absent students will need to make arrangements to write it next Day 1 at 11:51am.
After the quiz we did Spelling/Vocab Pretest #2. The words are: yield, conceive, obviously, noticeable, glimpse, evident, deceive, perceive, cursory, obscure, existence, judgment, substantial, enable, relieveADVANCED: impede, thwart, inaugurate, authenticate, quandary
Homework for Tuesday Sept 22 - Highlight all of the words you spelled incorrectly. Write the each word correctly. Write the word shape (see handout). Write the word with incorrect letters exaggerated.
N.B., (nota bene - latin for 'note well' or 'pay attention to this') YOU NEED TO DO THE FOUR STEPS ABOVE FOR THE WORDS YOU SPELLED INCORRECTLY ONLY. If you've spelled it correctly, there's no need to worry too much about them (unless you think it was a lucky guess... If so I suggest doing the word shape and exaggerated spelling as above).