Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Math Project for Bonus Marks

Wanting to improve your mark in the Measurement Unit?  Do the following mini-project.

Part 1 – Circle Vocabulary

1. Draw a circle. Label the radius, diameter, circumference, centre, a chord and an arc.

Part 2 – Finding the circumference (think diameter!)
2. What is the formula to calculate the Circumference of a circle?
3. Describe in words how this formula works. (ex: To find the circumference of a circle you multiply the.....)
4. Explain (in words) how we compared the diameter and circumference using yarn.

Part 3 – Finding the Area (think radius!)
7. What is the formula to calculate the area of a circle?
8. Describe in words how the formula works.
9. Choose three methods to calculate the area of a circle. Describe and demonstrate each method.
10. Which method was most accurate? Explain.
Part 4 – Pi
11. What is pi? Explain in your own words. List your sources of information.

12. Demonstrate more than three ways to find the area.
13. Include more information about pi (history, other uses for it…)
14. Produce creative art inspired by circles or pi (Anything goes – painting, anime, video, song, spoken word. Have fun! )
Presentation: You can choose the format: duotang, poster, video or other.
Due date: Thursday January 19, 2011.